Pain and Headache Center in Palmer, Wasilla, Anchorage
  Pain Management in Palmer, Wasilla, Anchorage

Headache Treatments in Palmer, Wasilla, Anchorage

Facet Injections in Palmer, Wasilla, Anchorage

Epidural Injections in Palmer, Wasilla, Anchorage

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Kinesio Taping

Kinesio taping is a non-invasive means of treating musculoskeletal disorders, preventing athletic injuries, and managing lymphedema. Many famous athletes have begun taking advantage of therapeutic taping – piquing the interest of people around the world. However, kinesio taping is not a new concept. In fact, it was developed nearly 25 years ago by Dr. Kenzo Kase, who found that elastic tape worn on the body in specific applications could activate the muscles to perform correctly and also heal themselves during the acute phase of rehabilitation.

Kinesio taping is used for many purposes:

  • To provide musculoskeletal support without interfering with motion range or muscle function
  • To prevent overuse injuries
  • To facilitate the ongoing flow of lymph – especially among individuals suffering with lymphedema

There is a science behind kinesio taping, which involves taping near, around and over specific muscles. Several taping techniques can be used depending on a wearer’s specific needs. Our staff can help patients use kinesio tape to target bio-mechanical problems, lymphatic problems, and complications associated with tendons and ligaments. When used correctly, kinesio tape may help reduce pain and inflammation, aid in rehabilitation and enhance athletic performance.

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